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• use terms such as 'daytime', 'night-time', 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'before', 'after', 'next', 'morning' and 'afternoon'

What is the next day? (scroll down)

Sequence Daily Events – Main Session

Time sort – sort  activities into up to 3 groups or timeline

Sequence the party events



• sequence events in time

Sequence Daily Events – Main Session

Time sort – sort  activities into up to 3 groups or timeline

Sequence the party events

• compare the duration of two events using everyday language, eg 'It takes me longer to eat my lunch than it does to clean my teeth'

   * describe events that take 'a long time' and events that take 'a short time' (Communicating)

Sequence Daily Events – Main Session

Time sort – sort  activities into up to 3 groups or timeline

Sequence the party events







A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› sequences events, uses everyday language to describe the durations of events, and reads hour time on clocks MAe-13MG



ES1 Maths Links

Connect days of the week to familiar events and actions (ACMMG008)

• recall that there are seven days in a week

What is the next day? (scroll down)

• name and order the days of the week


What is the next day? (scroll down)

Days of the Week

• classify weekdays and weekend days

What is the next day? (scroll down)


Days of the Week

• relate events to a particular day or time of day, eg 'Assembly is on Tuesday', 'We come to school in the morning'

   *  identify events that occur every day, eg 'We have news every day' (Communicating)


Sequence Daily Events – Main Session


Time sort – sort  activities into up to 3 groups or timeline


Sequence the party events

Tell time on the hour on analogue and digital clocks

• read analogue and digital clocks to the hour using the term 'o'clock'

What is the time?

• describe the position of the hands on an analog clock when reading hour time


Telling the Time


What’s the Time Mr Wolf Game – Hours


Analogue to Digital Time


Set clock hands to hour



© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.







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