Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
apply appropriate mental and written strategies, and digital technologies, to solve division word problems
* recognise when division is required to solve word problems (Problem Solving)
* use inverse operations to justify solutions to problems (Problem Solving, Reasoning)
Gym and Bank
Head Lice Problem Solving Game
Mathplayground Word Problem Database
Multi Step Word Problems (have videos of solutions)
use and interpret remainders in solutions to division problems, eg recognise when it is appropriate to round up an answer, such as 'How many 5-seater cars are required to take 47 people to the beach?'
Mathplayground Word Problem Database
Division Algorithms with Remainders
Remainders Game
Remainders Count
record the strategy used to solve division word problems
* use selected words to describe each step of the solution process (Communicating, Problem Solving)
Problem Solving Template - scroll down for examples
Problem Solving Recording Sheet
Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations (ACMNA099)
round numbers appropriately when obtaining estimates to numerical calculations
use estimation to check the reasonableness of answers to multiplication and division calculations, eg '32 × 253 will be about, but more than, 30 × 250'
Weirakei School Multiplication and Division Strategies
– series of videos explaining a range of strategies
Solve problems involving division by a one-digit number, including those that result in a remainder (ACMNA101)
Mental Division (Partitioning) – Own Values
Maths at the Mall - Gym and Bank
Division Algorithms with Remainders
Remainders Game
Remainders Count
Division with Remainders within 10000 (uses Partitioning)
Soft Schools Long Division Game
Kids Numbers Long Division Game
Number Monster Long Division
Drop and Drag Long Division
use the term 'quotient' to describe the result of a division calculation, eg 'The quotient when 30 is divided by 6 is 5'
recognise and use different notations to indicate division, eg
record remainders as fractions and decimals, eg
use mental and written strategies to divide a number with three or more digits by a one-digit divisor where there is no remainder, including:
− dividing the hundreds, then the tens, and then the ones, eg 3248 ÷ 4
− using the formal algorithm, eg 258 ÷ 6
use mental and written strategies to divide a number with three or more digits by a one-digit divisor where there is a remainder, including:
− dividing the tens and then the ones, eg 243 ÷ 4
− using the formal algorithm, eg 587 ÷ 6
* explain why the remainder in a division calculation is always less than the number divided by (the divisor) (Communicating, Reasoning)
show the connection between division and multiplication, including where there is a remainder, eg 25 ÷ 4 = 6 remainder 1, so 25 = 4 × 6 + 1
use digital technologies to divide whole numbers by one- and two-digit divisors
* check answers to mental calculations using digital technologies (Problem Solving)
Multiplication and Division 1
- continued

** NOTE - Covering many of the pointers below to achieve outcomes is dependent on the focus of instruction. As such many of the activities below can be used for a variety of purposes, or to cover a range of pointers. I have therefore grouped them rather than repeating them. Instead, where I have been able to find them, I have listed instructional links below pointers where they are specifically applicable.
Worksheets – whilst the site is designed to share interactive site links, I have included a few worksheet sites as their display could be used on Interactive White Boards or individual computers as practise activities without the need for printing - please see the Stage 3 Home Page.
A student:
› describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions MA3-1WM
› selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations MA3-2WM
› gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another MA3-3WM
› selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than one operation MA3-6NA
© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.