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Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications (ACMNA005)

• sort and classify a group of familiar objects into smaller groups

• recognise that a group of objects can be sorted and classified in different ways
   * explain the basis for their classification of objects (Communicating, Reasoning)

Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings

• recognise, copy and continue repeating patterns using sounds and/or actions

Musical patterns

Create sound patterns

A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› recognises, describes and continues repeating patterns MAe-8NA

Patterns and Algebra

ES1 Maths Links

• recognise, copy, continue and create repeating patterns using shapes, objects or pictures

   * create or continue a repeating pattern using simple computer graphics (Problem Solving)

Complete simple patterns

Simple patterns Main Session

Shape Pattern Game

Completing patterns

Polkadot patterns

Pattern matcher



   * recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong (Communicating, Reasoning)

Simple patterns – Main Session

Shape Pattern Game

Completing patterns



• recognise, copy, continue and create repeating patterns using shapes, objects or pictures

   * create or continue a repeating pattern using simple computer graphics (Problem Solving)

Complete simple patterns

Simple patterns Main Session

Shape Pattern Game

Completing patterns

Polkadot patterns

Pattern matcher



   * recognise when an error occurs in a pattern and explain what is wrong (Communicating, Reasoning)

Simple patterns – Main Session

Shape Pattern Game

Completing patterns



• describe a repeating pattern made from shapes by referring to its distinguishing features, eg 'I have made my pattern from squares. The colours repeat. They go red, blue, red, blue, …'



Virtual Attribute Block Sort

Musical patterns

Earth Day Rubbish sort

Sort toys in different ways

Animal sort

Simple patterns – Starter Activity, Main Session

Bottle Cap Sort


© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.







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