Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
Use direct comparison to decide which shape has a larger area and explain their reasoning using everyday language
• identify the attribute of 'area' as the measure of the amount of surface
Pinterest page - shows the concept
Interactive pattern block site,
can be used to select smaller shapes to cover a large shape
Jigsaws - covering a space
Clown jigsaw
Cover the most area game
Area quiz 1 – Area – 0:01 Area – click play
Area quiz 2 - Area – 1:01 Area Revision
A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› describes and compares areas using everyday language MAe-10MG

• cover surfaces completely with smaller shapes
Pinterest page - shows the concept
Interactive pattern block site,
can be used to select smaller shapes to cover a large shape
Jigsaws - covering a space
Jigsaw puzzle game
Clown jigsaw
• make closed shapes and describe the area of each shape
* use computer software to draw a closed shape, colouring in the area (Communicating)
ABCya Paint
• use everyday language to describe area, eg surface, inside, outside
Area quiz 1 – Area – 0:01
Area - click play
Area quiz 2 - Area – 1:01
Area Revision – click play
• use comparative language to describe area, eg bigger than, smaller than, the same as
* ask questions about area in everyday situations, eg 'Which book cover is bigger?'
Cover the most area game
Area quiz 2 - Area – 1:01
Area Revision – click play
• compare two areas directly, eg superimposing or superpositioning two surfaces
* demonstrate how one surface is bigger than another by comparing directly (Reasoning)
Interactive pattern block site,
can be used to select smaller shapes to cover a large shape
Jigsaws - covering a space
Jigsaw puzzle game
Clown jigsaw
Cover the most area game
* predict whether a surface will be larger or smaller than another surface and explain the reasons for this prediction (Communicating, Reasoning)
Cover the most area game
• record area comparisons informally by drawing, tracing, or cutting and pasting, and by using numerals and words
© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.