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A student:

› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM

› uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems MA1-2WM

› supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained MA1-3WM

› applies place value, informally, to count, order, read and represent two- and three-digit numbers MA1-4NA

Whole Number 1
ES1 Maths Links

Develop confidence with number sequences to 100 by ones from any starting point (ACMNA012)



  • count forwards and backwards by ones from a given two-digit number

  • identify the number before and after a given two-digit number

     * describe the number before as 'one less than' and the number after as 'one more than' a given number (Communicating)


Spooky Backwards Sequences


Counting On

(can pick start number and steps)


Splat Interactive 100s Chart


Number Lines (can set start number)


Number Track

(skip the first few sets to get to 2 digit numbers)


Dot to Dot Fun


Two Less Than Game


• read and use the ordinal names to at least 'thirty-first', eg when reading calendar dates


Ordinal Numbers to 20


Turtle Diary Ordinal Number Games (to 10)


Soft Schools Calendar Quiz


Calendar Clowns


Count collections to 100 by partitioning numbers using place value (ACMNA014)


  • count and represent large sets of objects by systematically grouping in tens


Estimate and Count Marbles


Counting Fish (demonstrate benefits of grouping)


• use and explain mental grouping to count and to assist with estimating the number of items in large groups


Mixed Up Marbles

(model counting strategies)


More Marbles

(estimate and use counting strategies)


Counter Sort


• use place value to partition two-digit numbers, eg 32 as 3 groups of ten and 2 ones

• state the place value of digits in two-digit numbers, eg 'In the number 32, the "3" represents 30 or 3 tens'

• partition two-digit numbers in non-standard forms, eg 32 as 32 ones or 2 tens and 12 ones



Hammer Numbers


Dinosaur Place Value


Shark Numbers

– match number with base 10 blocks


Shark Numbers – Cups


@ School Partitioning


Place Value Penguins


Place Value Scooter Quest



Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100; locate these numbers on a number line (ACMNA013)


• represent two-digit numbers using objects, pictures, words and numerals



Make a Number

Tally Marks

Numbers to 30

Count to 30

Okta’s Rescue


  • locate and place two-digit numbers on a number line


Top Marks Number Line


Ambleside Number Line


  • apply an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order two-digit numbers


Caterpillar Ordering – 1 to 100


Topmarks Ordering


Park the Pods

– Verbal instructions to find numbers


Whack a Mole (reading numbers)  **ES1


Bead Questions


• use number lines and number charts to assist with counting and ordering

    * give reasons for placing a set of numbers in a particular order (Communicating, Reasoning)



Top Marks Number Line


Ambleside Number Line


Splat Interactive 100s Chart


Park the Pods

– Verbal instructions to find numbers


• round numbers to the nearest ten


Which One Rounds to… (oral instructions)


Helipad Hops


WM Net Rounding Bingo


Snappy Maths Round to Nearest 10

(has number line)


Snappy Maths Rounding


Post Sorting (Round to Nearest 10)


Rounding Quiz


  • estimate, to the nearest ten, the number of objects in a collection and check by counting, eg estimate the number of children in a room to the nearest ten



Soft Schools Estimate to Nearest 10


IXL Estimate to Nearest 10


Oswego Estimate on Number Line

(click Begin; select Stage 2; click bars)


  • solve simple everyday problems with two-digit numbers

    * choose an appropriate strategy to solve problems, including trial-and-error and drawing a diagram (Communicating, Problem Solving)

    *  ask questions involving two-digit numbers, eg 'Why are the houses on either side of my house numbered 32 and 36?' (Communicating)


Guess My Number (Yr 2)


Shopping Game (UK Money,

but useful for problem solving concepts)


Thinking of a Number (Use with a 100s Chart)


Eduplace Brain Teasers

(not interactive but range of problems)


NRich Investigations

Stage 1-2  (not interactive,

but good range of open ended problems)


Recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value (ACMNA017)


• identify, sort, order and count money using the appropriate language in everyday contexts,

eg coins, notes, cents, dollars

• recognise that total amounts can be made using different denominations, eg 20 cents can be made using a single coin or two 10-cent coins

• recognise the symbols for dollars ($) and cents (c)


Handful of Coins


IXL Money


Money Master


Change Maker


© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.







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