Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
Multiply and divide decimals by powers of 10 (ACMNA130)
Fly By Maths (Level 3)
recognise the number patterns formed when decimals are multiplied and divided by
10, 100 and 1000
multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
* use a calculator to explore the effect of multiplying and dividing decimals by multiples of 10 (Reasoning)
Make connections between equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages (ACMNA131)
Plan the Park Percentages and Decimals
Match Fractions and Decimals
Find the Decimal for the Fraction
Convert Decimals & Fractions Game
Death to Decimals Game
Today’s Sale – decimals/ percentages
Demonstrate Fractions and Percentages
Fraction Parachutes
Percent Dominoes
Fractions to Percentage
PBS Kids Percent Fractions Picture Game
Percent Fractions Decimals Jeopardy Game
recognise that the symbol % means 'percent'
represent common percentages as fractions and decimals, eg '25% means 25 out of 100 or or 0.25'
* recognise fractions, decimals and percentages as different representations of the same value (Communicating)
* recall commonly used equivalent percentages, decimals and fractions, eg 75%, 0.75, (Communicating)
represent simple fractions as decimals and as percentages
* interpret and explain the use of fractions, decimals and percentages in everyday contexts, eg hour = 45 minutes, percentage of trees in the local area that are native to Australia (Communicating, Reasoning)
represent decimals as fractions and percentages, eg
Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMNA132)
Today’s Sale (Level A and B)
Penguin Waiter (calculate tip)
What’s the New Price?
Percent Dominoes
Troys’s Toys
(may need calculator for
more difficult problems)
equate 10% to 1/10, 25% to 1/4 and 50% to ½
calculate common percentages (10%, 25%, 50%) of quantities, with and without the use of digital technologies
* choose the most appropriate equivalent form of a percentage to aid calculation, eg (Problem Solving)
use mental strategies to estimate discounts of 10%, 25% and 50%, eg '50% off the price of $122.70: 50% is the same as 1/2 , so the discount is about $60'
calculate the sale price of an item after a discount of 10%, 25% and 50%, with and without the use of digital technologies, recording the strategy and result
Add and subtract decimals, with and without the use of digital technologies, and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers (ACMNA128)
Lunch Lady Game
Mathplayground Word Problem Database
Shop ‘Til You Drop (UK Money)
Add Decimals Memory Game
add and subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places, with and without the use of digital technologies
add and subtract decimals with a different number of decimal places, with and without the use of digital technologies
* relate decimals to fractions to aid mental strategies (Communicating)
round a number of up to three decimal places to the nearest whole number
use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers when adding and subtracting decimals
* describe situations where the estimation of calculations with decimals may be useful, eg to check the total cost of multiple items when shopping (Communicating, Problem Solving)
solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals, with and without the use of digital technologies, including those involving money
* use selected words to describe each step of the solution process (Communicating, Problem Solving)
* interpret a calculator display in the context of the problem, eg 2.6 means $2.60 (Communicating)
Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMNA129)
Multiply Decimals
Multiply Decimals Game
Decimal Cruncher Multiply Decimals
Mathplayground Word Problem Database (Percentage)
Supermarket Sweep
IXL Grade 6
– Multiply and Divide Decimals
use mental strategies to multiply simple decimals by single-digit numbers, eg 3.5 × 2
multiply decimals of up to three decimal places by whole numbers of up to two digits, with and without the use of digital technologies, eg 'I measured three desks. Each desk was 1.25 m in length, so the total length is 3 × 1.25 = 3.75 m'
divide decimals by a one-digit whole number where the result is a terminating decimal, eg 5.25 ÷ 5 = 1.05
solve word problems involving the multiplication and division of decimals, including those involving money, eg determine the 'best buy' for different-sized cartons of cans of soft drink
Fractions and Decimals 2
- Continued
** NOTE - Covering many of the pointers below to achieve outcomes is dependent on the focus of instruction. As such many of the activities below can be used for a variety of purposes, or to cover a range of pointers. I have therefore grouped them rather than repeating them. Instead, where I have been able to find them, I have listed instructional links below pointers where they are specifically applicable.
Worksheets – whilst the site is designed to share interactive site links, I have included a few worksheet sites as their display could be used on Interactive White Boards or individual computers as practise activities without the need for printing - please see the Stage 3 Home Page.
© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.