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Multiplication and Division

ES1 Maths Links

A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems
› groups, shares and counts collections of objects, describes using everyday language, and records using informal methods MAe-6NA


Investigate and model equal groups

• use the term 'group' to describe a collection of objects

Move the correct number of sheep






• use the term 'sharing' to describe the distribution of a collection of objects

Move the correct number of sheep

Equal Bees


Half and Quarter Sharing



• model equal groups


Move the correct number of sheep



Equal Bees





Sharing Frogs



Counter Sorting

Half and Quarter Sharing

• recognise groups that are not equal in size

TES Equal Bees



TES Sharing Frogs


TES Counter Sorting

• group and share concrete materials to solve problems


   * explain or demonstrate how an answer was obtained (Communicating, Reasoning)


Move the correct number of sheep

Marks Sharing


TES Counter Sorting


TES Equal Bees


Half and Quarter Sharing



Record grouping and sharing using informal methods

• label the number of objects in a group

• record grouping and sharing informally using pictures, words and numerals

© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.







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