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• identify the attribute of 'length' as the measure of an object from end to end

Long and short


• make and sort long and short constructions from concrete materials

• use everyday language to describe length, eg long, short, high, tall, low


Measurement Language

(Compare and Order)​

Order from tallest to shortest

Long and short

Tall and short identifying and ordering

(Main Session)

Long and short

Longer or shorter

Ribbon pairs

Ribbon sorting

A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal
recordings MAe-1WM
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› describes and compares lengths and distances using everyday language MAe-9MG
Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, and explain their reasoning using everyday language (ACMMG006)


ES1 Maths Links

• use everyday language to describe distance, eg near, far, nearer, further, closer

• use comparative language to describe length, eg longer, higher, taller than, shortest, lower than, longest, the same as

    * identify an object that is longer or shorter than another, eg 'Find an object longer than this pencil' (Communicating)

Measurement Language
(Compare and Order)​

Order from tallest to shortest

Long and short

Tall and short identifying and ordering
(Main Session)

Long and short sort

Longer or shorter

Ribbon pairs

Ribbon sorting

• compare lengths directly by placing objects side-by-side and aligning the ends

    *  explain why the length of a piece of string remains unchanged whether placed in a straight line or a curve (Communicating, Reasoning)


Longer or shorter

Ribbon pairs


Ribbon sorting



Animal comparison



    *  predict whether an object will be longer or shorter than another object and explain the reasons for this prediction (Communicating, Reasoning)

Order from tallest to shortest


Long and short


Measurement Language

(Compare and Order)​

Long and short sort

Ribbon sorting

Animal comparison



• compare lengths indirectly by copying a length, eg using the same strip of paper to compare lengths

Measure using paperclips

Ribbon pairs

Ribbon sorting

Animal comparison

• record length comparisons informally by drawing, tracing, or cutting and pasting, and by using words and numerals

Animal comparison



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