Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
Three Dimensional Space
A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems
› manipulates, sorts and describes representations of two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, squares and rectangles, using everyday language MAe-15MG

Sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes in the environment (ACMMG009)
• identify, represent and name circles, triangles, squares and rectangles presented in different orientations
Shape shoot
* identify circles, triangles, squares and rectangles in pictures and the environment, including in Aboriginal art (Problem Solving)
Matching Shapes
I Spy Shapes
Purpy’s Shapes
* ask and respond to questions that help identify a particular shape (Communicating, Problem Solving)
Virtual attribute blocks
Find the hidden shape
Sort Triangles
Sort Rectangles
Shape Memory Game
• sort two-dimensional shapes according to features such as size and shape
* recognise and explain how a group of two-dimensional shapes has been sorted (Communicating, Reasoning)
Virtual attribute blocks
• manipulate circles, triangles, squares and rectangles, and describe their features using everyday language, eg 'A square has four sides'
* turn two-dimensional shapes to fit into or match a given space (Problem Solving)
Virtual goose – recognise turned shapes
Robo Packer
Virtual attribute blocks
• make representations of two-dimensional shapes using a variety of materials, including paint, paper, body movements and computer drawing tools
* make pictures and designs using a selection of shapes, eg make a house from a square and a triangle (Communicating)
What can you make with these circles
Make a house with the rectangles
Virtual attribute blocks
Identify the shapes to ‘paint’ the picture
• draw a two-dimensional shape by tracing around one face of a three-dimensional object
• identify and draw straight and curved lines
ABCya Paint
• compare and describe closed shapes and open lines
ABCya Paint
• draw closed two-dimensional shapes without tracing
* recognise and explain the importance of closing the shape when drawing a shape (Communicating, Reasoning)
ABCya Paint
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