Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
Explore the use of brackets and the order of operations to write number sentences (ACMNA134)
Click the Order of Operations
(includes brackets and negative numbers)
Dositey Order of Operations Game
Multistep Problems (shows steps in solving)
Mathplayground Word Problem Database
use the term 'operations' to describe collectively the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
investigate and establish the order of operations using real-life contexts, eg 'I buy six goldfish costing $10 each and two water plants costing $4 each. What is the total cost?'; this can be represented by the number sentence 6 × 10 + 2 × 4 but, to obtain the total cost, multiplication must be performed before addition
* write number sentences to represent real-life situations (Communicating, Problem Solving)
recognise that the grouping symbols and are used in number sentences to indicate operations that must be performed first
recognise that if more than one pair of grouping symbols are used, the operation within the innermost grouping symbols is performed first
perform calculations involving grouping symbols without the use of digital technologies, eg• apply the order of operations to perform calculations involving mixed operations and grouping symbols, without the use of digital technologies, eg.
apply the order of operations to perform calculations involving mixed operations and grouping symbols, without the use of digital technologies, eg
* investigate whether different digital technologies apply the order of operations (Reasoning)
recognise when grouping symbols are not necessary, eg 32 + (2 × 4) has the same answer as 32 + 2 × 4
select and use efficient mental and written strategies, and digital technologies, to multiply whole numbers of up to four digits by one- and two-digit numbers
select and use efficient mental and written strategies, and digital technologies, to divide whole numbers of up to four digits by a one-digit divisor, including where there is a remainder
* estimate solutions to problems and check to justify solutions (Problem Solving, Reasoning)
use mental strategies to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100, 1000 and their multiples
Long Multiplication –
tutorial, quiz questions at bottom of page
Multiply by Splitting Numbers
Spot the Mistake
Numbers with a product of chosen number eg. 60
Multiply 1 Digit by Larger Number
(starts with x 1, but has other numbers)
Multiply 3 digits by 1 digit
Soccer Shootout
Number Monster – Multiply, Harder
Multiply 4 digits by 1 digit
Drop and Drag Multiplication
(can choose digits to multiply)
IXL Multiplication
solve word problems involving multiplication and division, eg 'A recipe requires 3 cups of flour for 10 people. How many cups of flour are required for 40 people?'
* use appropriate language to compare quantities, eg 'twice as much as', 'half as much as' (Communicating)
* use a table or similar organiser to record methods used to solve problems(Communicating, Problem Solving)
Head Lice Problem Solving Game
Mathplayground Word Problem Database
Supermarket Sweep
Multi Step Word Problems (have videos of solutions)
* use appropriate language to compare quantities, eg 'twice as much as', 'half as much as' (Communicating)
* use a table or similar organiser to record methods used to solve problems(Communicating, Problem Solving)
recognise symbols used to record speed in kilometres per hour, eg 80 km/h
solve simple problems involving speed, eg 'How long would it take to travel 600 km if the average speed for the trip is 75 km/h?'
Time/Speed Questions
Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies, and appropriate digital technologies, to solve problems involving multiplication and division with whole numbers (ACMNA123)
A student:
› describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions MA3-1WM
› selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations MA3-2WM
› gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another MA3-3WM
› selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more than one operation MA3-6NA
Multiplication and Division 2

** NOTE - Covering many of the pointers below to achieve outcomes is dependent on the focus of instruction. As such many of the activities below can be used for a variety of purposes, or to cover a range of pointers. I have therefore grouped them rather than repeating them. Instead, where I have been able to find them, I have listed instructional links below pointers where they are specifically applicable.
Worksheets – whilst the site is designed to share interactive site links, I have included a few worksheet sites as their display could be used on Interactive White Boards or individual computers as practise activities without the need for printing - please see the Stage 3 Home Page.
© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.