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A student:

› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM

› uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems MA1-2WM

› supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained MA1-3WM

› uses a range of mental strategies and concrete materials for multiplication and division MA1-6NA

Multiplication and Division 1

Skip count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero (ACMNA012)


  • count by twos, fives and tens using rhythmic counting and skip counting from zero

    * use patterns on a number chart to assist in counting by twos, fives or tens (Communicating)



Splat Interactive 100s Chart


Skip Counting (scroll down for activity)


Connect the Dots by 2s


Count by 2s, 5s or 10s


Complete the 10s Pattern


Skip Counting Games


Calculation on a Number Line

(can select tables)


Model and use equal groups of objects as a strategy for multiplication

  • model and describe collections of objects as 'groups of',




    * recognise the importance of having groups of equal size (Reasoning)

    * determine and distinguish between the 'number of groups' and the 'number in each group' when describing collections of objects (Communicating)

  • find the total number of objects using skip counting


Demonstrate Sharing




Sharing Out Frogs


Counter Sorting


Carl’s Cookies (Level 1 after intro)


Multiplication Picnic


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)





Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets (ACMNA032)


  • recognise when there are equal numbers of items in groups, eg 'There are three pencils in each group'

  • model division by sharing a collection of objects equally into a given number of groups to determine how many in each group, eg determine the number in each group when 10 objects are shared between two people






Sharing Out Frogs


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)


Airline Grouping




    * describe the part left over when a collection cannot be shared equally into a given number of groups (Communicating, Problem Solving, Reasoning)

  • model division by sharing a collection of objects into groups of a given size to determine the number of groups, eg determine the number of groups when 20 objects are shared into groups of four

     * describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using the given group size, eg when 22 objects are shared into groups of four, there are five groups of four and two objects left over (Communicating, Problem Solving, Reasoning)


Demonstrate Sharing with Remainders


Sharing (with Remainders)


Sharing Out Frogs


Counter Sorting


Grouping (with remainders)


ES1 Maths Links

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