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  • identify and describe patterns when counting forwards or backwards by threes, fours, sixes, sevens, eights and nines from any starting point


Count By Game – can choose number

Balloon Pop Patterns

Count Forward and Back on Number Line

Interactive Hundreds Chart

Number Cracker


  • model, describe and then record number patterns using diagrams, words or symbols


    * ask questions about how number patterns have been created and how they can be continued (Communicating)


Number Pattern Game

 Find Missing Numbers in a Pattern

Number Cracker


Line Dry

(L2 2 missing numbers)


  • create and continue a variety of number patterns that increase or decrease, and describe them in more than one way

Interactive Hundreds Chart

Interactive Numberline


Investigate the conditions required for a number to be even or odd and identify even and odd numbers (ACMNA051)


  • model even and odd numbers of up to two digits using arrays with two rows


    * compare and describe the difference between models of even numbers and models of odd numbers (Communicating)


  Find Missing Odd Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers

 Interactive Hundred Chart


  • recognise the connection between even numbers and the multiplication facts for two (Reasoning)


Interactive Hundreds Chart


  • describe and generalise the conditions for a number to be even or odd


    * recognise the significance of the final digit of a whole number in determining whether a given number is even or odd (Reasoning)


 Find Missing Odd Numbers

Bead Numbers – Computer Questions


  • identify even or odd numbers of up to four digits


Bead Numbers – Computer Questions

Odd and Even – several activities

IXL Counting and Number Patterns

BBC Starship – Odd & Even

Odd Even Fruit Shoot

Even Odd Basketball

(has 3 levels; good for more advanced concepts)


Odd & Even Game (need keyboard)




Describe, continue and create number patterns resulting from performing addition or subtraction (ACMNA060)


A student:

› uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM

› selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems MA2-2WM

› checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used MA2-3WM

› generalises properties of odd and even numbers, generates number patterns, and completes simple number sentences by calculating missing values MA2-8NA

Patterns and Algebra 1
ES1 Maths Links

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