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ES1 Maths Links

Addition and Subtraction

A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems MAe-2WM
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› combines, separates and compares collections of objects, describes using everyday language, and records using informal methods MAe-5NA


Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing (ACMNA004)

• combine two or more groups of objects to model addition

Addition animations

Ways to make a number

Electronic abacus – bridging 10

TES Add to 10 dice game (also add to 12, doubling)

TES Add 2 dice – numbers game

Count to 29 MAB Game

• compare two groups of objects to determine 'how many more'

Addition animations

TES Add to 10 dice game (also add to 12, doubling)

TES Add 2 dice – numbers game

• use visual representations of numbers to assist with addition and subtraction, eg ten frames

Electronic abacus – bridging 10

TES Add to 10 dice game (also add to 12, doubling)

TES Add 2 dice

10 Frames Add Sub Games

Save the Whale - Bonds to 10

• use concrete materials or fingers to model and solve simple addition and subtraction problems

Move the correct number of sheep

Subtraction with ‘concretes’

Addition with ‘concretes’

Interactive simple subtraction (to 10)

• model subtraction by separating and taking away part of a group of objects

Move the correct number of sheep

Subtraction with ‘concretes’

Electronic abacus – bridging 10

Number bonds

Ways to make a number

Interactive simple subtraction (to 10)

• create and recognise combinations for numbers to at least 10, eg 'How many more make 10?'

Addition animations

Addition/subtraction – ways of making a number

Ways to make a number

TES Add to 10 dice game (also add to 12, doubling)

TES Add 2 dice – numbers game

Learning Tools - Number Bonds to 10

Save the Whale - Bonds to 10

• describe the action of combining, separating and comparing using everyday language, eg makes, joins, combines with, and, get, take away, how many more, all together

   * explain or demonstrate how an answer was obtained (Communicating, Reasoning)

Addition animations

Subtraction with ‘concretes’

Addition with ‘concretes’

Ways to make a number

Maths Story


* apply strategies that have been demonstrated by other students (Problem Solving)

Ways to make a number

   * investigate different methods of adding and subtracting used in various cultures, eg

​     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methods involving spatial patterns and reasoning, 

     Asian counting tools such as the abacus (Communicating, Problem Solving)

​Electronic abacus – bridging 10

• count forwards by ones to add and backwards by ones to subtract

Move the correct number of sheep

Addition animations

Subtraction with ‘concretes’

Addition/subtraction – ways of making a number

Ways to make a number

Addition by counting on by 1s

Interactive simple subtraction (to 10)

• record addition and subtraction informally using drawings, words and numerals

© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.







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