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A student:

› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM

› uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems MA1-2WM

› supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained MA1-3WM

› uses a range of mental strategies and concrete materials for multiplication and division MA1-6NA

Multiplication and Division 2

Recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays (ACMNA031)


  • model multiplication as repeated addition, eg 3 groups of 4 is the same as 4 + 4 + 4

    * find the total number of objects by placing them into equal-sized groups and using repeated addition (Problem Solving)

    * use empty number lines and number charts to record repeated addition, eg





    * explore the use of repeated addition to count in practical situations, eg counting stock on a farm (Problem Solving)


Sharing Out Frogs


Counter Sorting


Interactive Number Line

(demonstrate strategies)


Multiplication Number Line (choose

numbers to multiply then shows no. line)


Calculation on a Number Line

(can select tables)


Carl’s Cookies

(Level 1 after intro)


Multiplication Picnic


Pop Up Multiplication


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)


Knight and Princess Game


3x Table Jigsaw


Repeated Addition Bingo


Multiplication as Repeated Addition



Array Maker


Sample Arrays – Multiplication Fact


Space Arrays


  • recognise when items have been arranged into groups, eg 'I can see two groups of three pencils'


Counter Sorting




Carl’s Cookies

(Level 1 after intro)


Multiplication Picnic


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)


  • use concrete materials to model multiplication as equal 'groups' and by forming an array of equal 'rows' or equal 'columns', eg




    * describe collections of objects as 'groups of', 'rows of' and 'columns of' (Communicating)

    * determine and distinguish between the 'number of rows/columns' and the 'number in each row/column' when describing collections of objects (Communicating)

    * recognise practical examples of arrays, such as seedling trays or vegetable gardens (Reasoning)


Counter Sorting




Carl’s Cookies

(Level 1 after intro)


Multiplication Picnic


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)




Topmarks Multiplication


Array Maker


Array Bingo


Multiplication with Arrays


Sample Arrays – Multiplication Fact


  • model the commutative property of multiplication, eg '3 groups of 2 is the same as 2 groups of 3'


Array Bingo


Multiplication with Arrays


Space Arrays


Represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations (ACMNA032)


  • model division by sharing a collection of objects equally into a given number of groups, and by sharing equally into a given number of rows or columns in an array, eg determine thenumber each person receives when 10 objects are shared between two people


    * describe the part left over when a collection cannot be shared equally into a given number of groups/rows/columns (Communicating, Problem Solving, Reasoning)

  • model division by sharing a collection of objects into groups of a given size, and by arranging it into rows or columns of a given size in an array, eg determine the number of columns in an array when 20 objects are arranged into rows of four

    * describe the part left over when a collection cannot be distributed equally using the given group/row/column size, eg when 14 objects are arranged into rows of five, there are two rows of five and four objects left over (Communicating, Problem Solving, Reasoning)




Sharing Out Frogs


Grouping and Grazing (5s 10s)


Demonstrate Sharing with Remainders


Sharing (with Remainders)


Array Maker


Airline Grouping


  • model division as repeated subtraction

    * use an empty number line to record repeated subtraction (Communicating)

    * explore the use of repeated subtraction to share in practical situations, eg share 20 stickers between five people (Problem Solving)


Interactive Number Line (demonstrate strategies)


Airline Grouping


Array Maker


  • solve multiplication and division problems using objects, diagrams, imagery and actions

    * support answers by demonstrating how an answer was obtained (Communicating)

    * recognise which strategy worked and which did not work and explain why

(Communicating, Reasoning)

  • record answers to multiplication and division problems using drawings, words and numerals, eg 'two rows of five make ten', '2 rows of 5 is 10'


NRich Multiplication and Division Problems

(not interactive, but great range of problems)



ES1 Maths Links

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