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Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is heavier, and explain their reasoning using everyday language (ACMMG006)

• identify the attribute of 'mass' as the amount of matter in an object


Compare size, mass and capacity


Weigh it Up – objects same size can have different masses


Heavy or light  - Mass 1:01 (click Play)



• use everyday language to describe objects in terms of their mass, eg heavy, light, hard to push, hard to pull

Seesaw balance


Compare size, mass and capacity


Heavier or lighter


See-saw game – the lightest side wins


BBC Push Pull


HWB Pushing and Pulling - 

Starter Activity Part 3 (discuss effort to push/pull)


Easy to push/ pull - Mass 0:01 (click Play)

Heavy or light  - Mass 1:01 (click Play)





A student:
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› describes and compares the masses of objects using everyday language MAe-12MG



ES1 Maths Links

• use comparative language to describe mass, eg heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest

   * identify an object that is heavier or lighter than another (Communicating)


Seesaw balance


Compare size, mass and capacity


Heavier or lighter


See-saw game – the lightest side wins


Easy to push/ pull    - Mass 0:01 (click Play)


Heavy or light  - Mass 1:01 (click Play)

• compare and describe two masses, such as by pushing or pulling

• compare two masses directly by hefting, eg 'This toy feels heavier than that one'

   * predict which object would be heavier than, lighter than, or have about the same mass as another object and explain reasons for this prediction (Communicating, Reasoning)


   * investigate the use of hefting in practical situations, eg the practice used by Aboriginal people of hefting duck eggs to determine whether ducklings will be male or female (Problem Solving)

• record comparisons of mass informally using drawings, numerals and words



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