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A student:

› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM

› represents and models halves, quarters and eighths MA1-7NA

Fractions and Decimals 1

Recognise and describe one-half as one of two equal parts of a whole (ACMNA016)


  • use concrete materials to model half of a whole object, eg

    * describe two equal parts of a whole object, eg 'I folded my paper into two equal parts and now I have halves' (Communicating)

  • recognise that halves refer to two equal parts of a whole

  • describe parts of a whole object as 'about a half', 'more than a half' or 'less than a half'

  • record two equal parts of whole objects and shapes, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half , eg




Half or not half?
Match the halves
What is a fraction?
Is it half?

Fraction Flags

IXL Fractions


  • use concrete materials to model half of a collection, eg





    * describe two equal parts of a collection, eg 'I have halves because the two parts have the same number of seedlings' (Communicating)

  • record two equal parts of a collection, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and fraction notation for half , eg




Move the correct number of sheep


Sharing Frogs

Counter Sorting


 IXL Fractions


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