Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
A student:
› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM
› uses objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems MA1-2WM
› supports conclusions by explaining or demonstrating how answers were obtained MA1-3WM
› uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers MA1-5NA
Addition and Subtraction 1
Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies, including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts (ACMNA015)
use the terms 'add', 'plus', 'equals', 'is equal to', 'take away', 'minus' and the 'difference between'
use concrete materials to model addition and subtraction problems involving one- and two-digit numbers
use concrete materials and a number line to model and determine the difference between two numbers, eg
recognise and use the symbols for plus (+), minus (–) and equals (=)
record number sentences in a variety of ways using drawings, words, numerals and mathematical symbols
recognise, recall and record combinations of two numbers that add to 10
Cool Math Lines 10
Make 10
Ways to Make 10
Add to 10
Hit the Button (Make 10 – digits)
Number Twins 10
What Makes 10
Match 10
Mathsframe Number Bonds
create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers up to and including 9
* model and record patterns for individual numbers by making all possible whole-number combinations, eg
5+0=5 4=1=5 3=2=5 1=4=5 0+5=5 (Communicating, Problem Solving)
Woodlands Number Bonds to 10
Ways to Make
Save the Whale
– Bonds to 10
Mathsframe Number Bonds
* describe combinations for numbers using words such as 'more', 'less' and 'double', eg describe 5 as 'one more than four', 'three combined with two', 'double two and one more' and 'one less than six' (Communicating, Problem Solving)
create, record and recognise combinations of two numbers that add to numbers from 11 up to and including 20
* use combinations for numbers up to 10 to assist with combinations for numbers beyond 10 (Problem Solving)
Ogre Addition
Maths Lines – Add to 20
(can also choose number 5-13)
Mathsframe Number Bonds
Funky Mummy Game
(click Next to stop dancing)
Owl Addition (Level 3)
Oswego Addition Game
Post Sorting – total less than 20
Building Expressions – 0-20
Alien Addition
Math Magician – Addition Level 2
Repair the Slide – Add to 20
investigate and generalise the effect of adding zero to a number, eg 'Adding zero to a number does not change the number'
Talking Calculator
use concrete materials to model the commutative property for addition and apply it to aid the recall of addition facts, eg 4 + 5 = 5 + 4
Learn to Add
(must work through games –
first 2 games add to 10, 3rd game add to 20)
Owl Addition
Addition Animations
Ways to Make a Number
Ogre Addition
relate addition and subtraction facts for numbers to at least 20, eg 5 + 3 = 8, so 8 – 3 = 5 and 8 – 5 = 3
IXL Related Number Facts
Add Single Digits to Make Target
Owl Addition (Level 3)
Post Sorting – total less than 20
Building Expressions – 0-20
use and record a range of mental strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving one- and two-digit numbers, including:
− counting on from the larger number to find the total of two numbers
− counting back from a number to find the number remaining
− counting on or back to find the difference between two numbers
− using doubles and near doubles, eg 5 + 7: double 5 and add 2
− combining numbers that add to 10, eg 4 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 3: first combine 4 and 6, and
7 and 3, then add 8
− bridging to 10, eg 17 + 5: 17 and 3 is 20, then add 2 more
− using place value to partition numbers, eg 25 + 8: 25 is 20 + 5, so 25 + 8 is 20 + 5 + 8, which is 20 + 13
* choose and apply efficient strategies for addition and subtraction (Problem Solving)
Counting On in 1s games
Build Expressions to 20
Count On/Back Addition and Subtraction
(hover at top of page to choose activity)
Owl Addition
Ogre Addition
Addition Machine
Matho – Addition or Subtraction – Easy Level
Mothmatic Subtraction
That’s a Fact
(can choose vertical or horizontal algorithms)
use the equals sign to record equivalent number sentences involving addition, and to mean 'is the same as', rather than as an indication to perform an operation, eg 5 + 2 = 3 + 4
* check given number sentences to determine if they are true or false and explain why, eg 'Is 7 + 5 = 8 + 4 true? Why or why not?' (Communicating, Reasoning)

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