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Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
Answer yes/no questions to collect information (ACMSP011)
• collect information about themselves and their environment, including by asking and answering yes/no questions
* pose and answer questions about situations using everyday language, eg 'Do you have any brothers or sisters?', 'What is the favourite colour of most people in our class?' (Communicating)
Organise objects into simple data displays and interpret the displays
Count the objects to make a graph
Introduction to picture graphs
– click Text Lesson or Audio Lesson
Pictograms –
How many?/ How many more than?/ How many fewer than?
Data representations – Statistics (Data) 1:01 (press play)
› describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-1WM
› uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions MAe-3WM
› represents data and interprets data displays made from objects MAe-17SP

• group objects according to characteristics to form a simple data display, eg sort blocks or counters according to colour
* compare the sizes of groups of objects by counting (Reasoning)
Count the objects to make a graph
Zoo sorting – sort zoo animals from other animals
Main Session Part 1 (Part 2) and Plenery
3 Bears sorting – 3 Bears
• arrange objects in rows or columns according to characteristics to form a data display, eg arrange lunchboxes in columns according to colour
* give reasons why a row of three objects may look bigger than a row of five objects, eg 'The three green lunchboxes are spaced out more than the five blue lunchboxes' (Communicating, Reasoning)
• interpret information presented in a display of objects to answer questions, eg 'How many children in our class have red pencil cases?'
Pictograms –
How many?/ How many more than?/ How many fewer than?
© 2013 Jenny Cottle All rights reserved.
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