Interactive Maths Links for the Australian Curriculum
A student:
› describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols MA1-1WM
› represents and models halves, quarters and eighths MA1-7NA
Fractions and Decimals 2
Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections (ACMNA033)
use concrete materials to model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a whole object, eg divide a piece of ribbon into quarters
* create quarters by halving one-half, eg 'I halved my paper then halved it again and now I have quarters' (Communicating, Problem Solving)
* describe the equal parts of a whole object, eg 'I folded my paper into eight equal parts and now I have eighths' (Communicating)
* discuss why 1/8 is less than 1/4 , eg if a cake is shared among eight people, the slices are smaller than if the cake is shared among four people (Communicating, Reasoning)
recognise that fractions refer to equal parts of a whole, eg all four quarters of an object are the same size
* visualise fractions that are equal parts of a whole, eg 'Imagine where you would cut the rectangle before cutting it' (Problem Solving)
Fraction Balls Game
Fraction Fruit Shoot
Fractions Made Easy
IXL Fractions
Fractions Pizza
recognise when objects and shapes have been shared into halves, quarters or eighths
Cross the River
Fraction Fruit Shoot
Fractions Made Easy
IXL Fractions
Fractions Pizza
Pizza Party Game
record equal parts of whole objects and shapes, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half (1/2) , quarter (1/4) and eighth (1/8) , eg
Cookies for Grampy
use concrete materials to model a half, a quarter or an eighth of a collection, eg
* describe equal parts of a collection of objects, eg 'I have quarters because the four parts have the same number of counters' (Communicating)
Sharing Frogs
Counter Sorting
IXL Fractions
recognise when a collection has been shared into halves, quarters or eighths
record equal parts of a collection, and the relationship of the parts to the whole, using pictures and the fraction notation for half , quarter and eighth
Sharing Frogs
Counter Sorting
IXL Fractions
use fraction language in a variety of everyday contexts, eg the half-hour, one-quarter of the Class

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